Can I Study Nursing With 20 Points?

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Can I Study Nursing With 20 Points?

Can I Study Nursing With 20 Points?

Nursing is a respectable vocation that demands commitment, diligence, and a sincere desire to assist others. It is a career choice that necessitates a substantial amount of time, energy, and finances, but the benefits are invaluable. Meeting the minimum admission criteria established by the nursing program’s university or college is mandatory to pursue nursing.

Generally, the requirements would encompass a minimum of 30 points on the National Senior Certificate (NSC) that incorporates a pass in Physical Science and/or Life Sciences, Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy, and English as the medium of instruction. Nevertheless, certain institutions may have distinct entry requirements, so it’s crucial to investigate the particular institution that piques your interest.

If your points is 20, it is improbable that you will satisfy the minimum admission standards for nursing programs. Nevertheless, it is not impossible to pursue a career in nursing. There are other routes accessible that can assist you in achieving your ambition of becoming a nurse, These may include enrolling on bridging courses, or enrolling on Diploma Nursing programs.

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How To Calculate Your Points

To calculate your APS score, you need to convert your NSC exam results into points. Each subject is allocated a certain number of points based on the percentage obtained in that subject. For example;

Below is APS calculator:

READ:Is 30 A Good APS Score?

Matric Subject Symbol / Mark Obtained in Matric exam APS (Admission Point Score)
A  (80 – 100%) 7
B  (70 – 79%) 6
C  (60 – 69%) 5
D  (50 – 59%) 4
E  (40 – 49%) 3
F  (30 – 39%) 2
G  (0 – 29%) 1

READ:What Is The APS Score For TUT Nursing?


  • The actual marks in each subject that you get range from 0 to 100 %
  • Each mark is given a point score that ranges from 1 to 7, with 7 being the highest and 1 being the lowest. For example, if your mark in
  • Mathematics is 45% the point score allocated to that mark is 3
  • To get your total point score, you add the APS of six or five of your best subjects


Visit the official website of the Nursing institution of your choice for more dertailed information..