Does TUT Accept 20 Points?

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Does TUT Accept 20 Points?

Does TUT Accept 20 Points? The National Senior Certificate (NSC) is the minimum high school diploma necessary for entry into South African universities. As part of the NSC, students are awarded points based on their performance in six different subjects, with a maximum of 7 points awarded for each subject.

There has been some confusion and misleading information about whether Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) permits the admission of students with 20 points or less. It should be noted that TUT does not have a specific policy regarding minimum points for admission since every program has its own admission requirements.

However, generally, the admission of students with 20 points or less is highly improbable at TUT. This is because most programs have higher admission requirements than the minimum NSC requirements, including specific subject requirements or minimum points in particular subjects. For instance, the Bachelor of Engineering program necessitates a minimum of 50 points in mathematics and physical science.

Although it is not impossible for students with 20 points or less to be accepted at TUT, it is highly unlikely and dependent on the specific admission requirements and point ranges of the program they are applying for. As a result, students are encouraged to research the admission requirements of their desired program and strive for the best academic performance possible to improve their chances of admission.


READ ALSO: How Many Points Are Needed For Teaching?


TUT Admission Requirements 2024-2025

​​Minimum general admission requirements for study at TUT

No person may be registered as a student in a programme of TUT unless he or she has complied with the following

General admission requirements for TUT

  • A pass mark in English at Senior Certificate level (minimum additional language; certain programmes may require first or home language status)
  • Each course has its own specific admission requirements.
  • Prospective students should note that the admission requirements of individual programmes could change from year to year.
  • For some programmes, students will be required to write an admission test, which will determine whether they will be admitted to the programme, or whether it will be recommended to them that they enrol for a relevant foundation course.
  • The following table indicates the levels of performance required for entry to specific levels of study:

How To Calculate Admission Point Score (APS)

Results format for the new NSC-G and the minimum admission requirements for TUT:

Rating code​ Rating Marks
7 Outstanding achievement 80 – 100
6 Meritorious achievement 70 – 79
5 Degree substantial achievement 60 – 69
4 Diploma adequate achievement 50 – 59
3 Foundation moderate achievement 40 – 49
2 Elementary achievement 30 – 39
1​ Not achieved 0 –​ 29

​​Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy?

All learners are required to take one of the two subjects for NSC-G purposes

​​TUT position:

  • Mathematics is relevant to programmes that require prior knowledge of mathematics; all others may only require Mathematical Literacy. (Details of what each subject entails can be determined by looking at the DoE curriculum statements, available on the DoE website).

READ ALSO: TUT Requirements 2024/2025


TUT Contact Details

Tel: 086 110 2421
SMS Number: 30655

For more information on TUT CLICK HERE. We do hope this article was helpful.