What Is A Low APS Score?

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What Is A Low APS Score?

What Is A Low APS Score? The Academic Performance Score is a numerical score that is used to assess the academic performance of a student in South Africa. This score is calculated based on the student’s performance in their final year of high school, which includes their results for seven subjects: four compulsory subjects and three additional subjects.

A low APS score refers to a score that is lower than the minimum required score for admission to a particular course or institution. Each course or institution has its own minimum requirement, which can range from 20 to 48.

A low APS score can be a significant obstacle for students who wish to pursue further studies. This is because many universities and colleges in South Africa use the APS score as a criterion for admission, and a low score may mean that the student is not eligible for admission to the course or institution of their choice.

READ ALSO: What Can I Study With 24 APS At TUT?


What Is A Low APS Score?

Each course or institution has its own minimum APS score requirement, which can range from 20 to 48.


How To Calculate Admission Point Score

Results format for the new NSC-G and the minimum admission requirements for TUT:

Rating code​ Rating Marks
7 Outstanding achievement 80 – 100
6 Meritorious achievement 70 – 79
5 Degree substantial achievement 60 – 69
4 Diploma adequate achievement 50 – 59
3 Foundation moderate achievement 40 – 49
2 Elementary achievement 30 – 39
1​ Not achieved 0 –​ 29

​​Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy?

All learners are required to take one of the two subjects for NSC-G purposes

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